Traditionally when a business or corporation makes the decision to purchase real estate on which to build a structure they try to make allowances for future expansion and growth. Knowing that the company will grow over time they know that growth will change the spatial needs of the company prompting them to add on to the structure to keep up with the ever-changing demands that time will bring.
In the beginning resources and capital are limited but as revenue is generated and growth occurs a requirement for additional space will inevitably arise. Generally the company will add space in conjunction to the need at a given time and pay for what they need at that time. These modifications usually are done in direct proportion to the increase in revenue and the needs of the business. Basically this is an “add-as-you-need” plan and in the world of web design GDD or Growth Driven Design is essentially the same thing.
What is GDD (Growth Driven Design)? Simply speaking it is when a company builds a basic website based on what it needs at the time it is constructed and then modifies it in short increments in accordance with the company's needs as data is compiled to show what changes need to be made according to that data. In other words it is a real-time, ongoing website construction that is driven by the data collected.
Is Growth Driven Design for you? Let's take a look at some of the advantages:
Real-Time Feedback
One of the major advantages of Growth Driven Design is that it is based on real-time data. This ensures that the information on the website addresses the needs of consumers or clients literally as they arise. What this means is that the website content is highly relevant to what site visitors concerns are at the time that they visit the site. In essence it almost becomes instant messaging.
Eliminates Long Term Projections
When a website is constructed normally long-term projections and forecasting needs to be done in anticipation of market and buying trends. Sometimes these projections are right and sometimes they are wrong and one thing a business cannot afford is to do is to misjudge consumer market trends. In addition, having out-dated and irrelevant content will drive visitors away, reduce SEO (search engine optimization) and effect ROI (rate of interest). And all of this negatively affects a business' bottom line to generate revenue.
Cost Efficient
Building as you need and paying as you go (and grow) is very cost efficient and efficient overall. No one builds something that they don't need and most do not build something until they need it. Growth Driven Design accomplishes these same objectives. You build your website in relationship to your client-based needs and you do it in the most efficient way possible; in direct relationship to current data and as you are able to afford it. In the same fashion that a contractor buys equipment according to the demand for service Growth Driven Design supplies content according to the current need of consumers and clients.
According to Business2Community Growth Driven Design is more of an investment than traditional web design but because it is driven by data and it is geared toward business growth, it will produce a higher ROI which in essence means it pays for itself. And because the site is built in correlation to current data this means the design reflects trends literally as they are occurring.
Growth Driven Design is on the cutting edge of marketing incorporating the traditional concepts of web design and combining them with 21st century data-driven modifications. The end result is improved ROI, elevated SEO and ultimately increased revenue which is the bottom line of all marketing.
For information on how Next Collision Marketing can help your business with its marketing needs contact us.